I did it! I finally got out and rode the rest of the ironman bike course! I had ridden Richter Pass a few times, a 9-10k climb out of Osoyoos that intimidated the hell out of me at first. I had ridden the rollers a few times, a set of 7 hills that you cruise up and over, nothing too crazy but a challenge if you don't like hills. I had never ridden the Yellow Lake climb, the second of two "mountain passes" on the Ironman course. I use parentheses here because after my ride Wednesday...I have no fear anymore!
I rode 110k/68m from Osoyoos back to Penticton following the bike course for Ironman. 4 hours. 2 Cliff bars. 4 gels. 4 bottles of Endurox. 0 problems.
This was a huge milestone for me in my training. I always had this part of the ride built up in my head as a killer. An ugly beast waiting to kick me between the legs and knock me down before the marathon starts. Now I am not saying the ride is going to be easy, but I will say I am ready now. I have seen it, ridden it, got to the top and literally said out loud "That was it!?" Again I am not getting cocky, although I feel a little fired up about it, but I know it is more the placement of Yellow Lake on the course, not necessarily the climb itself. It shows up after 140-150k on the bike. Your butt is sore, your legs are sore, your feet hurt, your thighs burn, salty sweat drips to your lips, your hands are sticky from lemon lime Gatorade and strawberry banana gels mixed together, its hot....really hot, the bugs are stuck in the vents of your bike helmet, your sunglasses are glazed over with a mix of sweat and tears, did I mention your legs hurt, and then....Yellow Lake shows up. I know it is going to be hard, but I now know I can do it. And truthfully, that is the most important part.
I also figured out my nutrition for the bike ride. I drink Endurox, a carb/protein mix, every 15 minutes or more (my alarm is set to go off every 15 minutes to remind me). It's fruit punch flavour and is actually quite tasty. Then on the half hours, I eat a half a Cliff bar, and at the top of the hour I eat one gel (I am loving the Carb Boom and Hammer Gels at the moment).

I tried this system out a few times and have felt so strong even after long rides. This past ride, the 110k-4:00:00 ride, finished and I felt incredible. Even with the climbing my legs felt strong and loose. I went out last week and accidentally abandoned my nutrition. Needless to say, the end of that ride sucked. No gas going in means no energy going out. Lesson learned and I am a slave to my food now, and it is working!
31 days and we are feeling more and more ready!