Saturday, February 14, 2009

This is hard...

Not that I didn't know this beforehand, but this is hard. I am still struggling to get into the "habit" of training.

I remember hearing that a habit is formed in roughly 21 days. 3 weeks. That doesn't seem like all that long really. But what I am forgetting are the events of the rest of my life that are lined up and competing for top billing in the Nathan Show.

Some of competing factors are legitimate; I have a job that requires a lot of time and effort; I have a wonderful wife who deserves more than a passing comment or two as we brush our teeth (We do brush twice a day so at least we have that time). But it is just shaking the little miscellaneous wastes of time that get in the way of creating the Ironroutine of training. The simple joys of watching random movies online, the chat time with friends and family both actual and virtual, and of course my mistress, the one and only Ms. Pac-man who, as much as she is a wonderful stress reliever, can ruin a large chunk of time in my pursuit to break 200,000 points.

Over the years I have kept stats on a huge excel spread sheet and tried to use it both as motivation and a way to track progress (for Ironman not Ms. Pac-man for the record). Both have worked. There is nothing sweeter than checking off all the workouts you planned, or comparing your work over time and realize you are actually improving. The spreadsheets change from year to year, but the same result usually comes about in the end. Me crossing a finish line.

But this is still hard... I need to remember that. Or, I need to forget it for 21 strait days and start this new habit.

Maybe the key would be to get rid of every quarter I currently have!

1 comment:

yazmom said...

Yaz - You have the amazing ability to accomplish whatever you set out to do. If this Ironman is what you want, you will do it in great style - no doubt in my mind. We'll all be there to "lift the blankets"!