Tuesday, March 3, 2009

This is awesome!

So I have started about three blogs that have yet to be published. Some great stories. Some ugly times. Some funny moments being attacked by 200 elementary kids in bathing suits. That being said, I get distracted and don't finish writing them. They will come out soon enough.... when I have a moment :)

But I just have to say.... THIS TRAINING IS AMAZING! Things are clicking, workouts are feeling better, I feel stronger. It is amazing.

I worked a crazy long day today, did a few "house" chores, and still even fit in two incredible workouts today in the pool and on the bike. Jenn heard some of the grunts out in the living room (I was cycling on my indoor trainer... one legged drills!) and had to come check on me. I think her line was "Sure sounds like someone is having sex in here!"

This was a great day! 179 more like it and we are in great shape!

And I am even going to bed before 10:00 tonight! It's just getting better and better!

1 comment:

Bee on Her Blog said...

Kids rushing you in bathing suits. Sounds a little like banana olymics to me.