Sunday, April 5, 2009


So I got my butt kicked!

Someone I work with has been training with a group of friends who have coined their group as "Ponchfit". "You should come and train with us! It would be good cross training for you." she said with a smile and a hint of encouragement. "Check out the webiste!"

I click open their site and peruse the workouts. Looks like a fun group of people... same goals of having fun and working hard... but what the hell is this!? The Filthy Fifty!?

50 box jumps @ 24"
50 jumping pull-ups
50 kettlebell swings (1 pood)
50 walking lunges
50 knees to elbows
50 push press (barbell or dumbbell) @ 45 lb
50 back extensions
50 wall balls
50 burpees
50 double unders

Long story short I made my way to work out with the Ponchfit crew and met up with David, James, and Mel. Thankfully the Filthy Fifty was last week and I only had to do "Da Ponch". Gotta love 60 yards of foward jump burpees. Great group of people and it was great to have a group to train with for a change. All of my training has been solo thus far and it was a good kick in the pants to have someone else out there pushing me, and by "pushing me" I might also mean "shreading my pecs and lats in a way I know I am going to be feeling for days". Thankfully they planned on a bike ride after so I scraped up some of my ego and had a strong ride after our cross training. Good group. I will be back!

On top of that, I just had the first ride averaging 30/kph for over 2 hours! Yes, after my session this morning, I did my long ride this evening and cranked out 60k in just under 2 hours! I have been working to jump that barrier for months! I want that speed and this was the first glimpse of it! Good ride. I will be back!

And now to rest the bod a bit!

1 comment:

yazmom said...

Woah! 3rd on the leaderboard for the newcomer to "Da Ponch"! We're very impressed! Go Yaz!