Friday, May 15, 2009

Allergies.. sick... who knows


Been 5 days without working out. A combo of sore throat, allergy nose, pretty tired, and few other random no name symptoms. It is frustrating as hell!

Last week was phenominal. I had some incredible workouts and was really peaking! I biked back out to Camp Thunderbird and saw my students. They had a ton of stories to tell about their ride and "the hill". They did great and I am sooo proud of the students and the staff who took part. Very cool experience. On the bike home, I thought it would take forever, but I FLEW home in just over an hour. My computer went of the fritz so I don't have stats, but easily was averaging over 30k, possibly 32k an hour! That's where I need to be. Felt like a rockstar and had no pain the next day. Went for a long run and was flying. Even got in my first open water swim out at Thetis Lake. Something about swimming uninterupted for 20-30 minutes that is so meditational. No wall to push off of, no close up view of someone else's butt as you swim past. Just you and the lake. It felt amazing...

Then this week showed up. I am trying to be smart about it and just let my body heal so I don't wear myself more than I need to, but we are going on a week now and I my races start NEXT week! This first one in Shawnigan is a "B" race, one I am planning to do as training for Oliver, but I still want to be in good shape to do it. I know, I know, I am in good shape, it's all relative, but I want to be in good shape to get my next goal at Oliver. To do that, I need to be healthy. To do that I need to be out training and preparing. To do that, what the hell do I need to be doing right now?

Allergy drugs... check
Cough syrup... on the way (Buckley's is probably the worst substance ever created by the way)
Trip to the clinic for peace of mind... a possibility
Training this week... please let it happen!!

Keep your fingers crossed and send healthy fast vibes my way!

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