Thursday, August 20, 2009

10 Days

This is funny regardless, but it is SO much funnier if you live in my world.

10 days out and I am feeling good. I am as ready as I will be and have been doing some good tapering workouts this past week. Up the intensity, lessen the time. My 5 hour rides have turned to 2 or 3 and my swims have gone from leisurely and smooth to some moments of hard hard swimming. This is supposed to keep the muscles ready, engage some muscles that don't normally get going when you are in Tortoise mode (versus Hare mode...get it?). My goal is to just stay strong, healthy, and prepare mentally for what is coming up next week.

One half of my family has made it to Victoria so the reality of this is starting. Them being here means we are getting close. It's funny though what makes you realize the time is near. I opened my latest carton of milk and the expiry date was Sept. 3rd. "I will be an Ironman by then" I said out loud as I mixed up my smoothie. When the milk will still be drinkable after the race...that means the race is close!

I got my race number (377) this week and they just sent out the 2009 Race Participants package. Another few items that make this pretty real! Single digit countdown starts in a few hours and I AM SO EXCITED TO GET THIS THING GOING ALREADY! Because, after all, it's all about performance! :)

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