1. The quote "Continue to do what you are doing and you will continue to get what you are getting." is keeping me on track. Have had a hell of a week or so dealing with allergies, work busyness, and the joys of ordering out for dinner many many times (regardless of the appropriate athletic nutrition I should be getting). I have been grumpy, frustrated and unmotivated. Imagine that. Bad food equals no energy. Rocket science, I know! Continue to do what you are doing and you will.... yeah, I got the message. Time for some change.
2. I think I am going to puke. Long story. Only 3 of you will get it.
3. Nothing is funnier than a pool full of 70+ women doing their aqua-fit class to the song "It's Raining Men".
4. My season is starting sooner than I realized. One week to my first "A" race (TC 10k), just over a month to my first tri (Shawnigan), and a month and a half to my first HIM, my second "A" race in Oliver. I have set some pretty lofty goals for this year and they make come back to bite me in the butt. In past years, I was pretty cautious in my goal setting, raising the bar a bit, but making sure that it was attainable with a reasonable amount of effort. I know. I was a chicken. But it worked for me and reaching the goals pushed me on ahead. This year...it's not going to be so easy. My goals:
A. Sub 45 minute 10k - TC 10k, April26th
B. 5:45:00 Half Iron - Oliver HIM
C. Complete Ironman
Funny how completing Ironman is the goal I feel the most confident I can reach. No time goal, just completion. I truly think I can pull off these other goals...I just now have to believe I can do it instead of just think it! What an amazing start to the season to pull off this sub 45 minute 10k though! I just ran a 46:36 10k on Friday and doing that solo without the adrenaline of a race number on my chest is pretty impressive. We will see what I can pull off this weekend!
5. I am looking better and better in spandex.
6. I have figured out how to make home movies with my phone! The tri geek combined with my techy geek and a little of my now blogging geek are all combining. Check it out!
With the week starting out here with a great day, some sun, and spring in the air, I give you a little dance music for you and your spandex. Congrats to Nora for her first Tri of the season. Who else has something coming up? Get out there and enjoy the spring, training or otherwise!
You are sounding quite Canadian! Not that that is a bad thing. You'll get it back... enjoy the workouts this week!
Thanks for the shout out... you did beat us with the editing and use of phone! :)
Looking forward to seeing you in July!
His intonation is changing, isn't it? I bet he doesn't even remember how to shovel!
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