Monday, May 4, 2009

Camp Thunderbird

Well another week has come and gone... but this one was AWESOME!! I had a great week with some really big workouts. A great 1:30 run on Thursday, a 2.5k swim on Friday, a hand full of shorter workouts, some Bikram yoga, and one hell of a ride to Camp Thunderbird!

On Wednesday all the grade 7 students at my school are biking from Victoria to Camp Thunderbird. Its a 30+ kilometre ride and I LOVE the fact that they are doing this as a group. I am hoping to go crash their party on Thursday so, in preparation, I decided to go and check it out for myself...

Video Journal #2

The trip up to Camp Thunderbird left me pretty fired up and so I continued on riding for another hour and a half. I found another ugly stretch of hills and finished the day having ridden 90k, and climbing 720m (almost 8 football fields strait up!). Pretty freaking fantastic if I do say so myself!



Nathan Georgesen said...

I warned them about the hill. I guess the teachers have prepped them that there will be a 30 minute walk or so at the end of the ride. I also may have given one of the coordinators a bit of a nightmare after watching the video. Sorry Kim! :) Here's hoping for good weather tomorrow!

Ol' Daddy Sizzlegut said...

Dude, you live here now. Just call them The Rockies. "Canadian Rockies" is a dead giveaway.